To respond to the call of the Malaysia MADANI Agenda inspired by the Prime Minister Malaysia, all Ministries and Government Agencies in Malaysia are directed to promote the Malaysia MADANI Agenda and use the Malaysia MADANI logo in any suitable medium of publicity. The use of this logo is one of the initiatives in promoting and implementing the MADANI values to all Ministries, Government Agencies, and stakeholders in Malaysia. Click here for detail.
It's a new year. We have new challenge. The first blog of mine. Hope to give you useful and helpful information. No matter what, just strike for the best!
🚨 Anda seorang guru yang bergiat aktif dalam penulisan blog? ⚠️ Jom sertai kami komuniti EduBlogger-AYU untuk meriahkan dunia pendidikan digital di Malaysia. Jaringan pencipta kandungan warga pendidikan ini akan menjadikan hasil karya anda mendapat liputan meluas ke seluruh rangkaian media sosial Akademi Youtuber. Sertai sekarang! pastikan hasil karya anda terus sampai kepada pengguna sasaran. ✅ Daftar & semak penyertaan anda di sini :
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